
Abolish Socialist Schools, and Defeat Socialism

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The new scoundrels leading the political Left are finally admitting—after more than a century of brazen lying by such Leftist scoundrels as Woodrow Wilson, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, and Barack Obama—that they are socialists. Therefore, without confusing readers and without repeating lengthy explanations, I can now just refer to Leftists as socialists. Socialism is generally […]


The Merchant of Mars — Screenplay Version Published

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The screenplay version of my story, The Merchant of Mars, is now available for sale. The screenplay was represented by a prestigious Hollywood literary agency years ago, but was shelved. The heroes are patriotic American capitalists who want to exploit Mars as private property; the villains are environmentalists, aided by the Communist Chinese government, who […]


Happy 113th Birthday of Ayn Rand

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As is my custom, I celebrate the birthday of Ayn Rand by opening one of her novels to a random page and reading. Here is something I read today, from The Fountainhead, Part Two, Chapter 5: His great voice was soft and persuasive. It filled the room, but it made his listeners realize that it […]


End the Perverse National Endowment for the Arts

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The following is a slightly edited version of an open letter I wrote in May, 1995. Dear Artist: I urge you to consider this argument for the dissolution of the National Endowment for the Arts. The United States was founded on the principle of individual rights: life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Everyone has […]


Happy Atlas Shrugged Day 2016

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Each year on September 2, informally known as Atlas Shrugged Day, I celebrate by opening to a random page of the novel and reading. I consider this novel by Ayn Rand the greatest work of art and perhaps the greatest achievement in history. Every page is an unsurpassed inspiration. Here is part of the reason […]


My Novella, The Merchant of Mars

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My novella, The Merchant of Mars, is available on Amazon in paperback (list price of $10) and as a Kindle ebook ($3). Just click this cover: Here is what the story is about. The head of NASA convinces the President that space exploration should be done by private industry, and the United States government declares, […]


Happy 111th birthday of Ayn Rand

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As is my custom, I celebrate the birthday of Ayn Rand by opening one of her novels to a random page and reading. Any passage is a great inspiration. Here is what I read today, from Atlas Shrugged, Part One / Chapter IX (thanks to Phil Oliver and his Objectivism Research CD-ROM for making it […]


Happy Atlas Shrugged Day 2015

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Each year on September 2, informally known as Atlas Shrugged Day, I celebrate by opening to a random page of the novel and reading. I consider this novel by Ayn Rand the greatest work of art and perhaps the greatest achievement in history. Every page is an unsurpassed inspiration. This is a passage I opened […]


Happy Atlas Shrugged Day 2014

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September 2 is Atlas Shrugged Day, the anniversary of the day (in 1946) on which Ayn Rand began writing the novel. September 2 is also a significant date in the novel, and the date on which the story begins. I celebrate Atlas Shrugged Day by reading passages from the novel, often by opening the book […]