
Monetary Exit Ramp

How do you defend against a nefarious attacker? You prepare for the threat years in advance, so that you possess overwhelming superiority. Western leaders have blown that opportunity—again.

Our side won World War I, and un-won it less than a generation later. We won WWII, and un-won it less than a generation later. We un-won Cold War I less than a generation after having won it.

We chose not to crush evil when we did possess overwhelming superiority.

The Clinton administration “balanced” the federal budget in part by gutting our military. They called it “the peace dividend,” earned from the fall of the Soviet Union. The press at the time routinely referred to the U.S. as “the world’s sole superpower.” So much for that title now.

We may win again, but the cost—in blood and treasure—has already been much greater than it had to be.

The present situation may get much worse. Although Putin’s Russia is an enemy of America, Ukraine is not necessarily an ally. Also, Putin may be saving his most capable fighters for a campaign elsewhere. And we don’t yet know what China and Iran will do. And the globalists—see, for instance, The Great Reset by Glenn Beck—in Western countries are not necessarily better than most of the nations that oppose us. Finally, the “woke” in our very midst may be the most evil and dangerous of all.

As a civilian, I am not in a position to offer specific, short-term military advice. But one thing that civilians can fight for is this: With all the forces assembled against America, we must fight to re-establish an American government that is for America—that is, for the American principle of individual rights. Easier said than done, I know.

In the meantime, we must be prepared to survive as individuals, as members of traditional American communities, and as citizens of the states that are still genuinely American.

One prong of survival is money. The globalists have shown us one tactic by which they fight: freezing monetary assets. They have used this tactic against bad guys—Putin’s Russia—and against good guys: Canadian truckers.

But think about this for a moment. The money that the globalists freeze is really worthless. The good guys can do a Jiu-Jitsu here. Instead of waiting for banks to freeze the worthless money they are holding for us, we should get out of this worthless money by trading it for real money: gold, silver, and the like (not cryptos backed by nothing). And for small transactions among friends, for pocket change, we might use a kind of money that is concentrated in the hands of the good guys: rounds of ammunition. One bullet might serve nicely as one silver dollar once did.

To all pro-freedom Americans, including the American truckers headed for D.C.: Don’t wait for the globalist banks to freeze your fake money. Get your fake money out now, trade it for real money, and give the globalists what they’ve been asking for.

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Update 3/5/2022: A friend (David Feinrider) pointed out that Putin may have a similar plan: Exit and thereby weaken and break the financial system that will not have him as a member, and–with China–offer the world an alternative system with a different money replacing the dollar.